Day 1 everybody, DAY ONE!

Wow, what an exiting thing. Working for a company in Germany for over one year now, I’m am not used to be the new one anymore.

But well, what should I say? Except the jet-leg, I had a pretty good start in the office. At least I think so, actually never asked my coworkers about what they thought.

My first day started off very smoothly. Karin Skacel, this awesome and strong woman that owns the company, introduced me to everybody and lead me through the whole office to show me everything. Then I met Katie, who actually is the person with the goofiest jokes in the whole office, and she is supposed to be my kickback.


Dear Katie,

If I do something wrong, please don’t stop bringing me cookies and other sweet tidbits!

And if you do something wrong, don’t pin it on the intern! 😉

Katie was (and still she is) very kind and gave me the possibility to simply sniff around in their social media campaigns and their web just to get an impression of their corporate image and their corporate identity. To cut a long story short: I got a first impression of the whole company and its digital appearance.

Afterwards I started working on their Ravelry and their Pinterest account by myself as I was supposed to compliment their inboards with things and patterns, that I think would look good. They really appreciate the “international view” on things and are curious to get to see the European impression on all this patterns and craftwork. All in all a smooth start into the week, an awesome start into the business of Skacel.

It was a good day to start, or rather to continue this adventure of a lifetime.

AND I had my first American burrito for lunch. What a day!IMG_0031

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